Liver disorders can result in a myriad of health conditions that affect the liver's ability to function properly. The liver is a vital organ that plays a major role in filtering out toxins from the body and producing bile to digest fat. It also stores energy in the form of glycogen. When the liver's functioning is compromised, it can lead to severe health problems. These disorders can be prevented and managed with a proper diet and professional intervention.
A liver disorder refers to any condition that damages the liver and impairs its function. The disorder can result from infections, excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, or genetic conditions. If left untreated, it can lead to liver cancer and liver failure.
It is the beginning stage in which the presence of fat rises within the liver. This condition remains harmless unless it gets processed.
It is not just fat that adds up in the liver but it also creates a window for inflammation condition
Scarring arises due to unceasing inflammation. Though, the liver remains in a normal functioning stage.
Widespread liver scarring is the last stage and becomes irreversible.
Weight reduction, Sickness, Weariness, Stools discolouring, Yellowish eyes, Dark urine, Bleeding, Skin redness, Others
Mainly, fatty liver is of two categories, namely, alcoholic and non-alcoholic. However, in severe cases, it occurs during stages of pregnancy
Hepatitis is an infection that causes liver inflammation. Hepatitis A is contracted through the consumption of contaminated food or water. Hepatitis B is transmitted through bodily fluids and blood. Chronic Hepatitis B and C can result in cirrhosis and liver cancer if left untreated.
Cirrhosis is the scarring of the liver caused by excessive alcohol consumption, fatty liver disease, or viral hepatitis. If not treated promptly, it can progress to liver failure, requiring immediate medical intervention.
Liver cancer may develop as a result of untreated hepatitis and cirrhosis. If not diagnosed early, it can spread to other parts of the body. Primary liver cancer originates in liver cells and is difficult to treat in its initial stages.