Take charge of your liver health today! Learn how to prevent and reverse fatty liver conditions through healthy lifestyle changes, early diagnosis, and effective treatments.
With the increase of fat inside the liver, inflammation occurs, which results in severe conditions. One can start reversing such conditions by indulging in a healthy diet routine and practising exercise.Another term for fatty liver is hepatic steatosis. This condition occurs when the liver becomes filled with fat. The liver can make space for a small portion of fat, but excess fat deteriorates the condition.The liver holds the second largest position among your organs in the body. It acts like a filter to eliminate hazardous compounds from the blood and enables entry of nutrients within the body.Inflammation occurs with the presence of excess fat inside the liver which results in deteriorating liver condition. After this stage, one faces a scarring condition causing failure in liver functioning.A person who is a regular alcohol consumer also deals with fatty liver. For this condition, a term is derived, namely, AFLD (Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease).Those who are away from alcohol consumption and deal with fatty liver term the condition NAFLD (Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease).
It is the beginning stage in which the presence of fat rises within the liver. This condition remains harmless unless it gets processed.
It is not just fat that adds up in the liver but it also creates a window for inflammation condition
Scarring arises due to unceasing inflammation. Though, the liver remains in a normal functioning stage.
Widespread liver scarring is the last stage and becomes irreversible.
Weight reduction, Sickness, Weariness, Stools discolouring, Yellowish eyes, Dark urine, Bleeding, Skin redness, Others
Mainly, fatty liver is of two categories, namely, alcoholic and non-alcoholic. However, in severe cases, it occurs during stages of pregnancy.
AFLP is a condition that occurs when fat increases inside the liver of a pregnant lady. It is not a common condition during pregnancy, but a small percentage of the population might face it. It is not known how this condition happens during pregnancy, but it is mainly due to genetics.
NAFLD is a condition that develops when individuals with zero alcohol consumption have to bear the complications of fatty liver. NAFLD is also categorized as NASH (Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis). It occurs due to inflammation along the fatty liver.
Alcohol consumption can result in liver damage and intake of a ton of liquor can worsen the condition. AFLD is the beginning of liver-related disease associated with liquor consumption. When the liver is free from any complications like inflammation or others, it is termed Simple AFLD (Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease).